
LIBNOVA Best EU R&D Technology Company 2023

LIBNOVA European Technology Awards

LIBNOVA has received the 2023 European Technology Award in the R&D category. On December 1st, the IV Edition of the European Technology Awards 2023 took place at the Ritz Hotel in Paris. During this event, LIBNOVA was recognized and awarded as the Best European Technology Company in the Research and Development (R&D) category. The Europeans […]

LIBNOVA at iPRES2023: Spreading the word


LIBNOVA is actively involved in iPRES2023, the 19th International Conference on Digital Preservation. The 19th International Conference on Digital Preservation, known as iPRES and organised this edition by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), will be held in Urbana Champaign (IL, USA) from 19 to 22 of September. LIBNOVA is once again a proud sponsor […]

Spreading the Digital Preservation word in Sweden

LIBNOVA joins ArkivIT in raising awareness of the high value of digital preservation in Sweden by publishing in the specialist journal for archives and information professionals “Arkiv, Information, Teknik” (Archive, Information, Technology). Twice a year, ArkivIT, the largest consultancy in Sweden and Europe with focus on information management, traditional archiving, and digital preservation, publishes a […]

Digital preservation for the Social Sciences and Humanities research datasets

LIBNOVA takes part in the International Conference on ICT enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities 2021 (ICTeSSH 2021) From June 28-30, LIBNOVA will participate in the International Conference on Information-communication Technologies enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities (ICTeSSH), with 1,000+ attendees and 50+ speakers from 18 countries. At the ICTeSSH 2021 conference, leading SSH professionals (researchers, computer […]

LIBNOVA takes part in the IDCC21 and RDA VP17

LIBNOVA is proud to sponsor one more year the International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC21), and for the first time, the Virtual Plenary of the Research Data Alliance (RDA VP17). LIBNOVA provides 3 student spots for the IDCC21 LIBNOVA is proud to sponsor one more year the International Digital Curation Conference, held virtually in 2021, by […]