
LIBNOVA invited to test LIBSAFE live in front of an audience during the iPRES2019

Once again we are proud to be sponsoring and exhibiting in the iPres2019, a gathering of inquisitive minds focused on Digital Preservation.

This is one of the most prominent events in the digital preservation landscape where more than 400 talented people, from archivists to students, meet up to share the thoughts and insights that will shape the field for years to come. This year the iPres2019 takes place in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The Great Digital Preservation Bake Off

The most significant event of the iPres2019 in Amsterdam will be taking place on Wednesday, 18th September at 11:00 am in the room-at-the-top. LIBSAFE will be tested live in front of an audience with a test data set given by the iPres organization. The test consists of how the platform can handle all the different parameters during data accession and preservation within a 30-minute slot.

During the iPres2019 event, the LIBNOVA team will be available and will be showcasing LIBSAFE -the secrets under the hood- to many of the attendees. They will be very happy to help you in booking a live individual demo or even join a pre-organised one. Remember should you wish to contact the team just go to stand #07. Otherwise, just fill out the web contact form and a member of the team will contact you.

Institutions from over twelve countries, spanning the globe, work with LIBNOVA because LIBSAFE is the most advanced digital preservation platform. LIBNOVA is constantly researching to innovate. Year after year LIBNOVA moves forward and is continuously adding technical innovations to the LIBSAFE platform.


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