libnova is taking part in the IFLA World Library and Information Congress and the 82nd IFLA General Conference and Assembly that is taking place from August 13th to 19th in the U.S.A.
One more year, IFLA (the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), the organization that globally represents the interests of library users, and library and information services, is hosting the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.
This Congress has become the most important global event in the library and information sector. With more than 3,500 attendees from more than120 countries, it marks the sector’s international agenda and allows for the creation of professional networks, since besides the congress, the 82nd edition of the IFLA Annual General Assembly will take place.
The IFLA World Library and Information Congress is hosted in a different country every year and it grants the host country the opportunity to show off its libraries and the information and documentation technology used in them. Likewise, sector professionals get to know firsthand the state of international library and information technology, and to establish global relations.
In this collaboration and learning environment, Antonio Guillermo Martínez Largo, CEO of libnova, a major player in digital preservation and Congress sponsor, will be presenting a workshop on libsafe, the OAIS-aligned long term digital preservation archiving software, a cost-effective, agile and powerful solution developed by our company to ensure long term (more than 10 years) access to digital archives and repositories in academic, research and cultural heritage institutions. The workshop titled : “LIBSAFE, digital preservation software : start preserving in days, not weeks”, will take place on Tuesday, August 16th at 11am as part of the Tech Lab Sessions, in the Greater Columbus Convention Center.
National Libraries, Archives and Universities, among other institutions, are already using libnova’s digital preservation platform. If you would be interested in meeting with the libnova USA team at the Congress, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
The 82nd edition of the IFLA General Conference and Assembly and the 2016 World Library and Information Congress will take place from August 13th to 19th at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.