
LIBNOVA, the DLF FORUM and researching for the future.

LIBNOVA is honored to be taking part of the DLF 2019! Over the next week, during the DLF Forum, we will be running through some of our research programs, so please keep an eye out and if you are at the DLF Forum please come and join us.

As a digital preservation company rooted on research, LIBNOVA understands the importance of gearing towards the future by developing technologies and sharing methodologies; and that is what the DLF Forum represents, a great arena to spread the word, find common ground to disseminate new ideas and project our common thoughts.

As most people know, LIBNOVA focused on research right from the beginning.  It has slowly and confidently expanded the LIBSAFE digital preservation platform into one of the most advanced platforms. LIBNOVA understands that progress is made by many at the same time and although there is always a first step many a time that first step has been taken at events such as the DLF Forum.

Those of us in the digital preservation world know that protecting assets from the worst of today and preserving them for the future has become an obligation for institutions of all sizes across the globe. We all understand that ensuring our digital heritage is kept readable and accessible for the long-term is critical. The need to protect content while keeping it alive and usable has become a priority. We all share the same essence and participate in the same experience.  We take part in the same journey. We push those boundaries with research and technology, and at the core of that research is LIBNOVA Research Labs.

LIBNOVA Research Labs is a fundamental piece of this forward-thinking technology that is LIBSAFE.  One example of this is our machine learning and neural networks project, – it achieved such impressive results that it was awarded a European Research Grant in 2018. That research has made its way into LIBSAFE. That research is being used by all of those that are already with us!

Paul Severn


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