Terms & Conditions
In this page you will find general information regarding our site and conveys the terms of use of the website www.libnova.com
Before you continue, you must understand that if you use our site it implies that you accept these terms of use and agree to abide them. Otherwise refrain from using our website www.libnova.com
- Owner: LIBNOVA, S.L.
- C.I.F.: B85846319
- Address: Calle de Orense 6, 28020 Madrid
- Email: contact@libnova.com
- Telephone: 91 449 08 94
Registry data: volume 27468 book 0 page 46 section 8 sheet M495015 first registration.
Likewise, and in accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th, for the Protection of Data of a Personal Nature and Law 34/2002, of July 11th, of Services for the Society of Information and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that by sending email to contact@libnova.com, the data that you provide will be stored and processed in a database owned by LIBNOVA, S.L. in order to provide the requested services, as well as to resolve any query and promotional offers.
Likewise, we inform you of the possibility that you have to exercise your rights to access, amend, cancel and oppose this personal data by sending an email to contact@libnova.com, or by writing to Calle de Orense, 6. 28020 – Madrid.
These general conditions regulate the use of the website that LIBNOVA, S.L. (hereinafter LIBNOVA) puts at the disposal of Internet users (hereinafter website). The use of the website implies acceptance of these general conditions that the user should read whenever he/she intends to use the website because both the website itself and these conditions may be subject to change. If the user does not accept these terms and conditions, he/she cannot or should not use the website for LIBNOVA.
LIBNOVA reserves the right to suspend, cancel, interrupt or limit the website at any time. The website does not require prior subscription for simple navigation, access or use of the service in question. On the other hand, to gain access to the client control panel, it will be necessary to subscribe as a user (hereafter, «Registered user») beforehand.
When accessing certain content or using any service where it’s necessary for users to provide their data, they are responsible for its veracity, accuracy, authenticity and validity. LIBNOVA will give such data the treatment that corresponds to its nature or purpose, under the conditions and in the terms indicated in the privacy policy (LINK). In any case, LIBNOVA assumes no responsibility for issues arising from the lack of veracity, updating or accuracy of the users’ data or information. The present disclaimer clause is not intended to circumvent European legislation applicable requirements or exclude us from any possible liability either.
Users will use the contents and services provided by LIBNOVA in accordance with these terms, subject to the rule of law, and assume the responsibilities which they are entitled by the conduct or activities which, in any form, may be illicit or prejudicial to the rights of third parties or that may harm, impede or limit the use of this website for other users.
LIBNOVA reserves the right to discontinue at any time and without notice access to this website and to discontinue providing any or all services provided through it, whether for technical, safety, inspection, maintenance, failure in electricity supply or for any other cause. Such disruption may be temporary or permanent, in which case that fact shall be communicated to users, who may suffer the loss of information stored in the different services.
As a result, LIBNOVA does not guarantee reliability, availability or continuity of its website or content, so the use thereof by the user takes place at his/her own risk, who cannot, at any time, demand LIBNOVA take responsibility for the aforementioned situations.
The user commits to not use any of the contents that LIBNOVA makes available to develop activities in opposition to laws, morals or the public order and, in general, to make a use according to the present general conditions.
Materials prepared by LIBNOVA available to users on this website are solely for informational purposes. The contents offered through the website are owned by LIBNOVA or are authorized for distribution and are updated.
LIBNOVA is not responsible for errors, even typographical ones, in the content supplied by third parties that may appear on its website; also LIBNOVA is not responsible for transmissions between users, of information or through this website. Responsibility for the statements made by users is unique to those who make them. Any communication or transmission of content which infringes the property rights of third parties and whose contents are threatening, obscene, defamatory, pornographic, xenophobic, or violate the dignity of the person or the rights of minors, the law or any conduct constituting the accomplishment of a crime is prohibited.
Therefore, LIBNOVA is not responsible for the use that each user gives to the materials made available on this website or the actions taken based on said materials.
When LIBNOVA provides services to users which, in any way, permit the disclosure of content by the user through the website, such as distribution lists, chat rooms, newsgroups, accommodation of personal pages, etc. (hereinafter «active services»), the users are obliged to make use of them in accordance with the law, the present conditions, the conditions for the provision of service, morality, good customs and public order. LIBNOVA reserves the right to limit access to the website of users who commit any of the above behaviors.
LIBNOVA will not be responsible for any interruptions of service, delays, errors, or malfunctions, and, in general, any other disadvantages that originate in causes that escape LIBNOVA’s control, and/or willful misconduct by the user, and/or forces majeure.
Without prejudice to the provisions of the Civil Code, included in the concept of force majeure, in addition to, and for the purpose of these general conditions, are all events that occur outside LIBNOVA’s control, such as: failure of third parties, operators or service companies, lack of access to third-party networks, acts or omissions of public authorities, and others produced as result of natural phenomena, blackouts, etc. and attacks by hackers or others specialized in the security or integrity of the computer system, whenever LIBNOVA has adopted all existing safety measures in accordance with the state of the art.
In any case, whatever its cause, LIBNOVA is not liable either for direct or indirect damages. LIBNOVA shall have the right, without any compensation to the user for these issues, to temporarily suspend the services and contents of the website, to carry out maintenance, and improve or repair them.
LIBNOVA is not responsible for the information contained in third party Web pages which may be accessed by links, since the function of these is to inform the user about the existence of other sources of information on the subject on the Internet, where they can expand on data provided on this website, and in no case do they contain a suggestion, invitation or recommendation therein. Therefore, LIBNOVA is not responsible for the content of other websites linked to or accessible from this website through hypertext links.
LIBNOVA is not responsible for the use that the user makes of the information on this website, as well as any other material from the website, breach of intellectual or industrial property rights or any other third-party rights. In case of adult content, it is the responsibility of the user or their legal representatives to restrict access to minors who are dependent on the mechanisms that the Internet browser itself or other third-party services make available to them.
LIBNOVA does not assume responsibility for any damage that may be caused on the users’ computers by possible computer viruses, incurred by the user because of their navigation on the website, or for any other damage resulting from such navigation.
LIBNOVA offers no guarantees in relation to the continuity or the absence of errors in any of the content accessible through its website, and does not guarantee the correction of defects or the absence of viruses and other harmful elements in this website or the server that supplies it.
LIBNOVA does not guarantee the permanent availability of services, being exonerated of any liability for possible damages caused by the unavailability of the service due to force majeure or errors beyond its control in telematic networks of data transfer.
Intellectual and industrial property rights are all the rights recognized by intellectual property legislation that are proprietary in nature or can be exploited for any purpose or use, as well as all the rights recognized by industrial property legislation, including in both cases, the authority to ask for the appropriate registries and inscriptions to obtain or protect these rights (hereinafter, Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights).
The use of all elements subject to industrial and intellectual property for commercial use, such as distribution, modification, alteration or decompilation, is strictly prohibited.
All content, trademarks, logos, drawings, design, graphics, images, source code used for its programming contained in the LIBNOVA website, are protected by the rights of intellectual and industrial property that are expressly reserved by LIBNOVA or, where appropriate, by the persons or companies that appear as authors or owners of rights. Violation of the foregoing rights will be prosecuted in accordance to the legislation in force. Accordingly, the reproduction, exploitation, alteration, distribution or communication to the public by any title or means of the totality of the contents of the LIBNOVA website for uses other than legitimate information or contracting of any computer service by the users is prohibited.
For all cases, prior written consent from LIBNOVA, keeping intact copyright and any other indicator of intellectual property in the materials or contents, is necessary. Any use or modification of the material or content for any other purpose other than that authorized by LIBNOVA will be considered a violation of the legislation in the field of intellectual property, and a violation of copyright.
According to regulations concerning the protection of personal data, LIBNOVA informs the user that there are automated tabs with personal data that will help us to assist you with a query, comment or request, under the company’s responsibility, which will be processed for the sole purpose of managing your request. These tabs will also be used when we send you information by any means, including electronic mail and/or equivalent media, about products, services, and innovations that we consider to be of interest to you.
In the case of commercial communications through electronic mail or equivalent means, you lend us your express consent to send advertising by such means, unless otherwise stated as in compliance with our privacy policy (link).
LIBNOVA is committed to complying with its obligation to safeguard and keep personal data secret and shall adopt the necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account at all times the state of technology, and comply with technical and organizational security measures.
With respect to information that is submitted by a minor, the sender will be required to have previously obtained the consent of the persons exercising parental authority, or a guardian or legal representative, so that the personal data can be given automated treatment, or if not, it will be destroyed. The user will be responsible, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided.
LIBNOVA informs you of the possibility that you have to exercise your rights to access, amend, cancel and oppose by writing, with an attached copy of your ID card, addressed to contact@libnova.com or Calle de Orense, 6.
The fulfillment, execution and interpretation of these general conditions will be subject to Spanish legislation and, in case of controversy, the present agreement is under the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid, waiving the right to be heard in any other forum to which they could correspond.