
600 professional digitisation equipment for the preservation of the Spanish Historical and Cultural Heritage


LIBNOVA sets up the 600th i2S professional digitisation workstation in Spain

For several years, LIBNOVA and i2S have been offering their customers a combined offer of their technologies for the entire life cycle of digital information, providing the most advanced and efficient systems for the digitisation, dissemination, and digital preservation of the information they hold.

The Copibook V-Shape A1 zenithal scanner set up for the digitisation service of the cultural heritage collections of an important institution in Spain, represents the 600th successful installation of a professional digitisation workstation from the French manufacturer i2S in Spain, from whom LIBNOVA is an official distributor.

Both in Spain and internationally, several Heritage Institutions are beginning their journey towards digital preservation by carrying out large-scale digitisation projects of their documentary collections. These projects are usually aimed at making the collections more widely known, preserving documents that are in a poor state of conservation or are very delicate, and making them available to the public, etc.

In order to carry out a professional and high-quality digitisation project, it is necessary to have the right capture devices. i2S offers a wide range of book and historical document scanners to meet the digitisation needs of very diverse and valuable collections, from small stamps to large documents in 2XA0 format, which also meet the most demanding standards of the digital imaging industry (ISO 19264-1, METAMORFOZE, FADGI).

“It is a pleasure for i2S to support the protection and dissemination of Spanish cultural and historical heritage through our collaboration with LIBNOVA, with the development of innovative digitisation and image processing solutions,” says Pierre Bergeron, COO of i2S. “Moreover, LIBNOVA’s digital preservation solutions are the perfect match for our digitisation solutions”.

The images captured in the scanning process have to be complemented with data processing work, which involves quality control of the digitisations, adding the necessary metadata to enrich the images, extracting the OCR, making derivatives, creating digital objects, etc. This whole digitisation process can also be managed with i2S software solutions and LIBNOVA’s digitisation services.

“We have been working with the fantastic i2S team for many years and we are very proud to have jointly contributed to the digitisation of Spanish cultural heritage with the installation, support, and maintenance of their state-of-the-art digitisation equipment,” says Juan Manuel Pérez, Sales Manager at LIBNOVA. “Thanks to i2S’s advanced technology, we at LIBNOVA can offer our customers solutions for the entire lifecycle of digital information, from its creation and capture to its subsequent preservation and dissemination”.

After all the effort required to carry out a digitisation project, it would be unreasonable to store this digital information on any type of storage device (CD, DVD, hard disks, servers, etc.) and then forget about it. In order to keep this information safe, several processes need to be applied to ensure the permanent accessibility of digital objects, and this is what is known as digital preservation.

LIBNOVA has developed LIBSAFE, the most advanced, easy-to-use, and streamlined platform for digital preservation and archiving of digital collections, ensuring the long-term preservation, availability, and accessibility of digital information. The platform is aligned with the industry standards for digital preservation: OAIS Model, ISO 14721, ISO 16363, and the FAIR and TRUST principles.

All kinds of cultural heritage and scientific institutions around the world have already chosen LIBNOVA solutions to preserve their valuable digital assets, from National Libraries such as the British Library or the National Library of Spain, to archives of all sizes such as the Archivo General de la Nación in Colombia or the Archivo de Villa in Madrid, to museums such as the United States Holocaust Museum (USHMM), to universities and research centres such as the University of Barcelona, the CSIC, the University of the Balearic Islands, University of Oxford, HILA (Hoover Institution Library & Archives) at Stanford University, the EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), or the University of Amsterdam. More than 70 organisations from 17 countries have already trusted LIBNOVA for the preservation of their digital collections.

About i2S

Protecting and sharing knowledge and information to the whole world, that is the purpose of i2S DigiBook’s specialisation in cultural heritage digitisation.

Helping to protect and disseminate the world’s heritage by developing image acquisition, processing and dissemination solutions.

In order to meet the digitisation needs of very diverse and valuable collections, i2S offers the widest range of historical book and document scanners on the market, suitable for multiple formats from small stamps to 2xA0 documents. In addition, it offers a wide range of software solutions that form the LIMB package to manage the entire digitisation process, from image capture to dissemination.

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LIBNOVA’s mission is to safeguard the world’s research and cultural heritage. Forever.

Year after year, LIBNOVA has been pushing the boundaries of what is possible in digital preservation, bringing innovations that empower organizations to preserve their content in an easier and more efficient way. The LIBSAFE platform covers several Digital Preservation needs and is an advanced OAIS-aligned digital preservation software.

LIBNOVA was founded in 2009, has offices in the US and Europe, and is now present in 18 countries with presence in the academic, culture heritage, and research communities. LIBNOVA Research Labs (2017) manages all research initiatives for the company, including the ARCHIVER Project (€4.8M EU R&D Project led by CERN).

Customers like the British Library, HILA Stanford University, the EPFL, the United State Holocaust Museum (USHMM) and the University of Oxford, and many more already trust LIBNOVA.

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