
II Conference on Archival Techniques “Background Treatment for Analog and Digital Images”

libnova participated in the II Conference on Archival Techniques in the Museum of Ceuta

libnova participated as a speaker in the II Conference on Archival Techniques: “Background Treatment for Analog and Digital Images”, held on June 7th and 8th in the Museum of Ceuta.
Under the title “The Digital Database and Its Implementation”, libnova presented the libshare Ceuta” implementation project: “Digital heritage”, led by this city’s public library and archive, will facilitate the management and dissemination of archival, library and museum heritage through the public website.

In addition to this initiative, libnova held a brief introduction to the concept of digital preservation, with the Conference “Preservation of Digital Objects”, to focus on its practical application through libsafe, oftware, a libnova tool perfect for documenting, designing, and implementing a digital preservation process, by organizing and protecting the information to ensure its future availability.

II Jornadas Técnicas de Archivos

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