LIBNOVA participates in “TRANSFERS III: Disseminate and generate information: The web and other media” that are held on the 16th and 17th of February in Murcia.
The Spanish Federation of Associations of Archivists, Librarians, Archaeologists, Museologists and Documentalists, ANABAD, from its delegation in Murcia, organizes the Professional Days TRANSFERS III: Disseminate and generate information: The web and other media, which are held on the 16th and the 17th February at the Murcia’s Regional Library.
The Conference is aimed to the professionals of Libraries, Archives, Museums and Documentation. There, LIBNOVA will talk about how to ensure the future of digital heritage through digital preservation.
Daniel Pastor Ramos will also present the digital preservation solution full OAIS – ISO 14.721 aligned developed by LIBNOVA, which ensures access to digital data for long periods of time, in a presentation that will take place on Friday, February 16th, at 12:45h.
Complete program and more information about TRANSFERS III on the ANABAD website