LIBNOVA explains how digital preservation is the solution to the challenges of passage of time for digital information, in the “Arxiu del Regne de València”
LIBNOVA’s team has explained to archivists, librarians and records manager from the main institutions of the cultural heritage of the East Coast of Spain all the challenges that they have to face related to the protection of digitized or digitally generated information.
Participants in the Digital Preservation Users Training Conference had the opportunity to hear directly from Antonio Guillermo Martinez, LIBNOVA’s founder and CEO, the best ways to mitigate the aforementioned risks to which digital information is exposed, by elaborating and implementing a long-term preservation plan; the most common mistakes, known by us thanks to our experience, and how to face them.
In addition, LIBSAFE, the digital preservation OAIS software developed by LIBNOVA has been shown. This platform simplifies the entire complex process of digital preservation in one click, ensuring that your digital collection will be controlled, preserved and available forever.
LIBNOVA is the leading company in the digital preservation sector, that has designed the preservation systems of the National Library of Spain, the CSUC (Consortium for University Services of Catalonia), the Film Library of Catalonia, the University of Barcelona, the University of the Balearic Islands and more than 50 first level institutions, inside and outside Spain.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about our digital preservation platform.