LIBNOVA sponsors the International Conference on Management and Creation of Digital Collections that is taking place on August 21 to 23 in Seattle (WA), USA.
The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) has presented conferences on creating and managing digital collections in locations around the country and internationally, since 1995. This year, “Digital Directions: Fundamentals of Creating and Managing Digital Collections” will be held August 21-23 in Seattle, Washington, USA.
In this conference, professionals from the information and documentation sector from large and small institutions explore the challenges, strategies and best practices for the creation, curation, and use of digital collections.
In addition, experts from the digitization and digital preservation sector will make a comprehensive introduction to these areas. Likewise, other topics, such as risks to digital collections, digital project planning, creating useful digital objects or metadata for digital projects, will be included on the conference.
NEDCC is the first independent conservation laboratory to specialize exclusively in the treating of collections made of paper and parchment in the United States.
LIBNOVA, a leading digital preservation company, is one of the main sponsors of this conference.
The registration early-bird discount deadline ends on May 26, and August 10 for ordinary registrations.
All the information about the event is available at this link.