
Training on Digital Preservation at the National Historical Archive of Madrid

LIBNOVA organizes, at the National Historical Archive of Madrid, the training on “Digital Preservation: The challenges of passage of time for digital information”

Have you digitized historical and patrimonial documentation? Do you know how to keep data accessible for very long periods of time? Do you know how the entry in force of legislation on e-government can affect you?

On June 8, at 10:30 a.m., the LIBNOVA will present at the National Historical Archive (Calle de Serrano, 115 – 28006 Madrid) the challenges to which cultural and heritage institutions are exposed in relation to protection of digitized or digitally generated information.

Report of the royal chronicler Antonio de Herrera, dated at Valladolid on September 11, 1604, in favor of Miguel de Cervantes’ license and printing privilege. Source: National Historical Archive

Although the Institutions know how to keep historical documentation on paper, the challenges of storing digital information (from e-government or heritage digitization projects) have changed, requiring specific knowledge and tools.

Large sums have been invested in the digitization of historical documents, and cases of information loss have begun to appear because the institutions have not been able to prepare themselves and do not know how to properly manage the information. Storing on disks or servers is less than 20% of the actions needed to keep information accessible for the future. If you do not have a long-term preservation plan, your information is at risk.

LIBNOVA will present key points to consider in a preservation plan, the most common mistakes and how to overcome them, in a training of less than two hours. LIBNOVA is the leading company in the sector, that has designed the preservation systems of the National Library of Spain, the CSUC (Consortium for University Services of Catalonia), the Film Library of Catalonia, the University of Barcelona, ​​the University of the Balearic Islands and more of 50 institutions of first level, inside and outside Spain (See Cases of use).

Summary of the Training on Digital Preservation in Madrid

  • Date: Thursday, June 8, 2017.
  • Time: 10:30 am.
  • Place: National Historical Archive (Madrid).
  • Organized by: Digital Preservation Experts.
  • Collaborators: Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Secretary of State for Culture) and National Historical Archive.


Places are limited and will be reserved by order of registration. You can book yours through the form in our contact page indicating in the subject “Digital Preservation Training Madrid” or calling our offices to 914490894.

Noticia en español.

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