libnova is participating, as a sponsor, exhibitor and speaker, at the ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2016 International Conference & EXPO, which is taking place in the U.S.A. between July 31st and August 6th.
In August, the Council of State Archivists (CoSA) and the Society of American Archivists (SAA) will join forces one more time, making Atlanta, GA the world capital of archiving, at the ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2016 CONFERENCE & EXPO.
libnova, a leader in digital preservation and sponsor of the Conference, will explain the inner workings of libsafe, an agile, cost-effective and powerful solution for the preservation of digital repositories in academic, research and cultural heritage institutions, at the workshop titled : “LIBSAFE, digital preservation software: start preserving in days, not weeks”. The workshop will take place next Friday, August 5th 2016.
National Libraries and Archives, as well as Universities, among other institutions, are already using libnova’s digital preservation platform. You can contact us during the Conference to arrange a meeting with the libnova USA team there.
The ARCHIVES *RECORDS 2016 International Conference & Expo will take place between July 31st and August 6th, 2016 at the Atlanta Hilton Hotel in Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.