
Spreading the Digital Preservation word in Sweden

LIBNOVA joins ArkivIT in raising awareness of the high value of digital preservation in Sweden by publishing in the specialist journal for archives and information professionals “Arkiv, Information, Teknik” (Archive, Information, Technology).

Twice a year, ArkivIT, the largest consultancy in Sweden and Europe with focus on information management, traditional archiving, and digital preservation, publishes a specialized journal for information and archives professionals: Arkiv, Information, Teknik (Archive, Information, Technology).

The theme selected for this issue was “E-archiving – lessons learned”. LIBNOVA has been invited to participate in this edition to address the topic of digital preservation and its evolution in the coming years due to our experience in the sector and our continuous investment in R&D to drive the progress of digital preservation from the frontline.

In our article “Digital Preservation: a long-term path”, we walk through the key steps to consider in a digital preservation deployment project, share our approach, and review some of the challenges we envision on the horizon.

Free download of the journal is available at this link: Arkiv Information Teknik Nr2/2021, E-arkiv

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